
Michael holds regular surgeries to give you the opportunity to discuss any issues or problems which you may be experiencing. 

If you wish to request a 10-minute private appointment, please email Michael at [email protected] providing your full name, full postal address and as many details as possible about the issue/s which you wish to raise, as this will enable him to help you more effectively. Please include any relevant reference numbers, and any copies of documents/correspondence which are important.

However, before requesting an appointment, please ensure the issue/s you wish to raise cannot be dealt with more quickly and efficiently by email or by letter to House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA.

Alternatively, you may wish to contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau, who have great expertise on benefits matters and debt advice among other things. They have offices in Camberley and Ash, and further details can be found at You can also find contact details for your local Councillors by entering in your post code at