My Plan

  • Improving our NHS

    Frimley Park Hospital is rated as an Outstanding local hospital by the Care Quality Commission, much-loved by our community. It’s particularly special to me as its staff saved my son's life, and I have fundraised for the Frimley Park Special Baby Care Unit. 

  • Getting Surrey Heath Moving

    Surrey Heath needs better, safer and faster transport, from trains and buses to roads and cycling, and my Conservative colleagues and I are working together to secure the local improvements we need.

    Better rail

  • A brighter Future for ALL Children

    Surrey Heath has so many brilliant schools with fantastic teachers, and I regularly visit local schools to stay informed of any issues or concerns, offering all the support I can. I want to do everything possible to ensure that every child in Surrey Heath has the best possible education.

  • A Greener Surrey Heath

    We are very fortunate to have such beautiful green spaces in Surrey Heath, and I’m passionate about protecting and enhancing our environment for future generations. I’ve campaigned on green issues for two decades, and have delivered this Conservative Government’s 25-Year Environment Plan, which w

  • Safe, Warm and Decent Homes

    Every single person in this country, irrespective of where they are from, what they do or how much they earn, deserves to live in a home that is decent, safe and secure.

  • Backing Businesses to Grow

    I’m committed to working with all of us to improve the quality of life in Surrey Heath, and I’m determined to ensure that our local economy continues to grow, providing good jobs for local people.

    Local businesses

  • Cracking down on crime

    I know that crime and anti-social behaviour is a significant concern for many of my constituents, and I meet regularly with my colleagues in Surrey Police, as well as others, on tackling crime.

    More police officers