Pavement parking is a significant problem in particular areas in Surrey Heath, especially Frimley Green, Mytchett and Deepcut.
Michael wants to see councils given the powers they need to fine those who practice anti-social parking, blocking pavements, pathways and rights of way.
He is keeping in close in touch with the Transport Secretary on this, and the Department for Transport is currently working through policy options on possible solutions to this problem. Please see the latest update below:
*LATEST UPDATE* 3 April 2024 – Michael received the following response from the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport, Guy Opperman MP:
“Thank you for your email of 18 January, with regards queries from your constituents, of Surrey Heath about pavement parking. I apologise for the delay in responding.
The Department fully understands the concerns raised in relation to inconsiderate parking and recognise that vehicles parked on the pavement can cause serious problems for pedestrians, particularly children, older people, people with mobility, neurological or visual impairments and those using pushchairs.
Local authorities have existing powers under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to prohibit pavement parking by introducing local laws through Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs); and the Department looks to local authorities to use these traffic management powers where problems occur. Before a TRO comes into force, the appropriate prohibitory (red) traffic signs, prescribed by Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016 (as amended), must be in place to tell drivers where they must not park on the pavement.
Ministers are most grateful for your constituents’ continued involvement in this complex issue. All the options on which we consulted, have challenges in respect of efficacy and deliverability.
We want to take the right step for communities and ensure that local authorities have appropriate and effective tools at their disposal. We are continuing to work through the policy options and the opportunities for delivering them and as soon as those matters are certain we will publish our formal response at:”