Farnborough Airport’s consultation and application to expand operations
Farnborough Airport recently consulted on its proposals to change the way the airport is operated.
The consultation opened on Tuesday 20 September 2023, and the deadline for submitting a response was Wednesday 18 October 2023.
The consultation sought views on the following proposals to change:
• The existing annual flight limit from 50,000 to 70,000 flights per year
• The existing annual non-weekday flight limit from 8,900 to 18,900 flights per year
• The operating hours on non-weekdays from 8am-8pm to 7am-9pm
• Restricted aircraft weight category from 50-80 tonnes to 55-80 tonnes, and increase the related amount of annual flights allowed within this category.
Further details can be found at www.FarnboroughAirport2040.com and several drop-in consultation events did take place across the region, including one in Surrey Heath on Thursday 28 September at 4-8pm at Lakeside International Hotel, Wharf Road, Frimley Green, GU16 6JR.
Michael is aware that many constituents are concerned by these proposals, and he visited Farnborough Airport on 13 October 2023.
During his visit, Michael explained to the team at Farnborough Airport that he understands the business case for expansion, which he recognises would be valuable for the local economy, but he feels this must be balanced against environmental and other concerns.
Michael is worried about the increase in pollution and also the loss of quality of life, peace and amenity for his constituents who live under the flight path, and therefore believes that expansion of the airport would be wrong.
Michael appreciates that many people will have differing views on this topic, but the well-being of his Surrey Heath constituents, as ever, is of paramount importance.
*LATEST UPDATE* 12 December 2023 - Following Farnborough Airport's submission of its planning application to Rushmoor Borough Council to expand its operations and to increase the annual flight limit from 50,000 to 70,000 flights per year, Michael wrote to the Council to register his objection to the plans.
Farnborough Airport’s airspace change
The current airspace arrangement at Farnborough Airport came into force on 27 February 2020 after a full airspace change, which began in 2012 and included two public consultations in 2014 and 2016.
Due to the impact of the COVID pandemic on aviation, the Post Implementation Review (PIR) of this airspace change could not be undertaken in the 12 months immediately after February 2020. Instead, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) instructed that the relevant data gathering period should run from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.
After the data gathering period, Farnborough Airport submitted its Post Implementation Report to the CAA on 15 May 2023. Below is a link to the CAA’s dedicated webpage that holds all the relevant documentation:
Farnborough Airport airspace change proposal | Civil Aviation Authority (caa.co.uk)
The CAA invited stakeholders to submit feedback by 26 June 2023, and as Michael was aware of concerns expressed by constituents in Mytchett about an increase in noise and pollution following the Airspace change, he wrote to the CAA on 20 June 2023.
On 26 June 2023, Michael received confirmation his correspondence was received and would be considered by the appropriate regulator as part of the PIR process. The CAA will aim to produce a PIR review report within the next three months. If you would like to learn more about the airspace, please visit Farnborough Airport's Noise & Track system, which allows you to view the activity around the airport.
*LATEST UPDATE* 10 May 2024 - Michael received an update from Farnborough Airport regarding its airspace change proposal and Stage 2 of the CAP1616 process. The latest publicly available information can be found on the CAA Portal here.